The House with Chicken Legs by Sophie Anderson is a captivating and imaginative middle-grade novel inspired by Slavic folklore. Published in 2018, this enchanting story follows 12-year-old Marinka, who lives in a magical house with chicken legs that moves from place to place. The house is an ancient and powerful being known as Baba Yaga, and Marinka’s life is governed by the traditions and duties of her mystical home, which acts as a guide for souls to the afterlife.
Marinka struggles with the responsibilities and loneliness that come with her unique heritage, longing for a normal life and the chance to make friends. When she decides to defy the traditions and pursue her own path, Marinka embarks on a journey of self-discovery, bravery, and understanding. The novel beautifully combines elements of fantasy with emotional depth, exploring themes of identity, family, and the courage to break free from expectations.
Sophie Anderson’s lyrical writing and vivid world-building create a rich tapestry of magic and emotion, drawing readers into Marinka’s extraordinary adventure. The House with Chicken Legs is a story about finding one’s own place in the world and the strength to embrace one’s unique gifts. Don’t miss out on this mesmerizing tale—get your copy today and step into a world where magic and destiny intertwine. Discover Marinka’s journey and let her story inspire you to follow your own path with courage and heart.
Sophie Anderson is a British author known for her enchanting and culturally rich children’s books. Her debut novel, The House with Chicken Legs, was inspired by Russian folklore and received widespread acclaim for its imaginative storytelling and beautiful prose. Anderson’s work often incorporates elements of mythology and traditional tales, blending them with modern themes to create compelling narratives. Her other notable books include The Castle of Tangled Magic and The Girl Who Speaks Bear. Anderson’s writing is celebrated for its lyrical quality, engaging characters, and exploration of diverse cultures and magical worlds.